2018-11-18: The Probe in Vaihingen an der Enz

The wind came from the north east and carried the  weather probes from Kümmersbruck to vicinity of  Stuttgart. The morning probe was predicted to land somewhere in the area around Schwäbisch Hall. I woke up early, reflected a little bit about the early bird that catches the worm, and then realizing that the initial prediction assumed a bursting altitude of only 25km and was off be 70 – 100km, I decided to give the morning probe a go. wetterson.de lost the probe in about 2000 meters altitude and the corresponding, last prediction put the landing zone near Vaihingen an der Enz.

Trajectory of the probe

Going along B10 and down into the valley in that Vaihingen an der Enz is located, I was able to briefly reacquire the signal  of the probe a couple of times. The first time I heard it in about 5 km  distance from the elevated rim of the valley. It was too weak for decoding it however.

Requisition of the probe’s signal

In Vaihingen an der Enz, the signal became stronger. I pulled over at a parking lot of a supermarket and decoded it:

[15569] (P0620867) So 2018-11-18 08:29:06.001 lat: 48.93513 lon: 8.96094 alt: 276.14 vH: 0.1 D: 78.5° vV: 0.0

Decoding the probe’s signal


Then, I went to the GPS coordinates. And right there, the probe was hanging over the pavement. The parachute was across the road. Unfortunately,  I could only recover the probe.


Probe hanging from a tree


The parachute hanging in the next tree across the street


The probe (P0620867). The low hanging sun draws long shadows.


The landing zone right in the city of Vaihingen an der Enz

After having recovered the probe, I looked a little bit around, found a coffee shop and drank a cup of coffee, and strolled along the railroad embankment of a shut down train line. Then I headed back for Stuttgart.


Closed down train track