2015-04-22: Valparaiso

I took the bus to Valparaiso, a harbour city that also houses the parliament of Chile. From what I had read, I expected something like some old European looking quarter of San Francisco. Well, the city is dominated by the 7 or so steep hills that slice it into pieces, and  it is more like a colourful  mixture of run down colonial style houses next to office buildings from the 60s and street art. Also the elevators are impressive — late 19th century technology. Not sure what the German TÜV inspecting them for safety would say about it. They do not look too thoroughly maintained. But then again — a 150 years back things were built for eternity…


Valparaiso: Box House
Valparaiso: Box House


Hill in Valparaiso
Hill in Valparaiso


A Legacy of Salvador Aliende
A Memento of Salvador Aliende


Valparaiso: Cyan House
Valparaiso: Cyan House


Valparaiso: Terraced Houses on Hill
Valparaiso: Terraced Houses on Hill


Valparaiso: Cabeling
Valparaiso: Organic Cabling (Made me think of Brazil — a retro-futuristic movie from 1985)


Valparaiso: Market Scene
Valparaiso: Market Scene with Houses on Hill in the Background


Valparaiso's famous Trolly Bus
Valparaiso’s famous Trolly Bus


Valparaiso: Central Plaza
Valparaiso: Central Plaza


Valparaiso: Elevator
Valparaiso: Elevator


20150422_Valparaiso: Plaza seen from Bridge
Valparaiso: Hill Line seen from an Elevated Position, a Pedestrian Bridge


Valparaiso: Habor
Valparaiso: Shoreline and  Harbour in Back


GPS Tracks in Valparaiso
GPS Tracks in Valparaiso


GPS Tracks to Valparaiso
GPS Tracks to Valparaiso