2019-07-24: DFM09 in Leinfelden

Casually surfing the web and checking for weather probes, I found out that there was a DFM-09 probe (17053008) currently flying from Calw to Stuttgart. The predicted landing zone was 15 minutes away by car.  I got my stuff and was off.

Radiosondy.info lost the signal at 10:22pm. I reacquired the signal at 10:33 pm and realized that the probe was lying in a field nearby:

[197] 2019-07-24 20:35:03.0 lat: 48.720880 lon: 9.184403 alt: 466.1 vH: 0.00 D: 130.8 vV: 0.00 T=20.6C (Rso: 20.1 , Rb: 0.1) T2=20.6C T4=20.7C f0: 133.57 f3: 103.32 f4: 1129.27 U: 5.53V Ti: 313.5K

Stumbling across the brushwood  I found the probe almost exactly on the received GPS position. Following the thread, I was also able to locate the parachute. Unlike previously launched DFM-09s  at Calw, this one had a parachute. Unfortunately, I lost my radio in the process, and could not make out its whereabouts. It was only on the next morning at daylight  that I was able to locate and recover the radio.


Somewhere here is 17053008
Found 17053008!
The landing position of 17053008
The Trajectory of 17053008, a DFM09