2021-06-17 Bubble2

This time, it was neither a weather probe nor really a hunt. A student organization of the University of Stuttgart, KSAT, launched a balloon experiment — and with it, a LoRa experiment of mine. Unfortunately, I had to work and no time to be present for the launch campaign. And so I was not there to ensure that my LoRa payload on the balloon was running all right. The  probe took off with the Lora payload failing right from the start.

The probe flew for about 3 hours and  landed somewhere in a field near Kraichtal @ 49.110380N 8.770114E. A video is available on youtube. Lacking the suitable gear to track the signal, I had to rely on Christian to get the landing position and arrived as last one about 30 minutes after the landing. The log of the balloon probe showed that there were several power cycles during the launch campaign. With the last power cycle, the raspberry started up, but the Lora payload did not sent. The root cause I could not determine. Starting the payload up at home, it worked all right. Lesson learned: If you want it to work, you better test like a berserk!


Bubble2. My LoRa payload is right of the picture’s center, i.e. on the lower right side of the mounting plate in the middle between the 2 tetrahedron structures.


Bubble2 surrounded by KSAT group


Bubble2 and myself


Fields, Tree, Stand, Carrera




Field, Sunset and Tree